Liberating Journey 2023-2024

Free your change and the rest will follow

The script is stale, let’s change it! (What?)

You know it all too well, you’ve been trying to change it all along: the twentieth century mindset that is being straitjacketed into twenty first century workplaces; the jadedness and lack of engagement of your colleagues (and yourself?); the disappointing, delusional or disconnected management style; the deceptive ‘collaboration’ where everyone tries to benefit for themselves as much as possible; the mediocre meetings where talking heads still dominate over a lethargic audience… you would love to see all that go away, and you know that it’s somehow possible.

With Liberating Structures (LS) you’ve already experienced a glimpse of the changes that are possible. Certainly for yourself and perhaps even for your team(s). We invite you on a journey to take this to a whole new level. 

Liberating Journeys are there to help you free the change that you and others want to see.

How does this Liberating Journey work? (So what?)

The upcoming Liberating Journey is a six-month peer-learning exploration of the challenges and opportunities that you wish to act upon. You get to use Liberating Structures, and deepen your knowledge and experience of it, to apply to whatever has life and meaning for you. With everyone’s support around you.

Through the 6 months you will:

  • Come with your ‘focus case’ with your initial steps, and progressively refine your thinking and actions about it with the help of your fellow explorers and us three sherpas (Jeremy Akers, Nadia von Holzen and myself Ewen Le Borgne). We will run a few tangible experiments about introducing and expanding LS in your context and will find solutions to your challenges and opportunities;
  • Attend a monthly ‘village’ meeting (online on Zoom) with all other fellow travellers and sherpas to explore common questions and issues, practice with new LS and more deeply with those LS you already know – 6 meetings of 2.5h in total. During these village meetings we will follow the structure of ‘Strategy Knotworking’ to give just enough structure to our collective and mutual exploration;
  • Meet with fellow travellers and work as ‘crews’ focusing on similar issues, with the presence of one sherpa. You will attend and occasionally (co-)host bi-weekly crew check-ins of 90 minutes (online on Zoom) to explore your context, practice, questions, suggestions with peers from various contexts and practices, facing similar challenges, tapping this collective brain to find more solutions, and cherishing this community to feed our courage, confidence, motivation – 10 meetings of 90 minutes in total, with the possibility to choose a series of either morning, afternoon or evening sessions;
  • At the end of the journey, on top of all of this, we will have experienced the deeper power, magic and potential of Liberating Structures ‘beyond the toolbox’ – and understood WHY LS works so well in certain contexts (and perhaps also where not). 

Sign up now for your liberating journey (Now what?)

This journey is for you if:

  • You have a place to practice (your focus case) and act upon your learning 
  • You have some familiarity with at least half of the LS (original 33) LS repertoire
  • You are willing to ask for help and open to exploring your challenge(s) with fellow explorers
  • You keep a journal of what you are doing and observing in your practice
  • You show up for every session (except of course in case of ‘force majeure’). This is a commitment of about 6h per month; it sounds feasible, right?

The 6 village meetings are scheduled for: 19 October 2023, 16 November 2023, 14 December 2023, 18 January 2024, 15 February 2024, 21 March 2024 (15:00 – 17:30 CET/ Amsterdam time).

Pre-registration is done here:

After the preregistration, you will get further information on how to purchase your ticket.

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